學名:Delonix regia (Hook.) Raf.
英名:Royal Poinciana、Flamboyant Tree、Flame Tree、Peacock Flower
A deciduous tree in the genus Delonix, native to Madagascar. Main trunk sturdy, lateral branches flat and spreading, crown umbrella-shaped, and tree height up to 5-10 m. Pinnately compound leaves grow oppositely and each bears 15-20 pairs of alternate pinnae in a length of 5-10 cm; each pinnae divided into 25 pairs of oval leaflets, 0.4-0.8 cm long and 0.3-0.4 cm wide. Racemes extending from the branch end or leaf axils, flowers colored bright red to orange red with yellow and white markings, flower in a diameter of 7-10 cm. Pods flat, long and slightly curvy, 30-60 cm long and 3.5-5 cm wide. Flowering from June to September, and fruiting from August to October.
It suitably grows in full sun and warm environments; it’s resistant to dryness and blooms profusely in distinct dry and wet seasons. Generally, dwarf pruning is generally not necessary, only the unwanted branches within the crown need removed. Propagated by seeds.
Featuring with flat and spreading crown, the plant is a great shade tree. The plantations must be open and broad enough to avoid overlapping with other trees. The roots easily rise and form buttress roots, therefore a larger tree well should be reserved in advance and never use hard pavement material such as cement to cover the tree base.