

學名:Phoenix loureiroi Kunth

英名:Date、Date Palm


簡介 Description


An evergreen tree in the genus Phoenix, native to Taiwan and the provinces of South China. The trunk is stemless. Scaly leaf marks are left on the trunk by falling leaves. It develops pinnately compound leaves with linear leaflets arranged in 4 rows, apex acute and basal leaves degenerate into thorns. The flowers are dioecious and spadix. The elliptical fruits are yellowish-orange initially and change to purple black when ripe.

栽培 Cultivation


It’s Grown in full-sun and warm environment while saplings are slightly shade tolerant. The plant is highly drought tolerant so Grown in well-drained and organic-rich sandy loam. In the early stage of cultivation, enough supply of water and long-active fertilizers application once every season can promote growth. Dry old leaves should be cut off at any time to maintain the esthetic appearance. Seeding is used to propagate.

應用 Application


The tree grows vigorously and robustly, and the whirling leaves are very desert like. Suitable for single, clustered or row planting. Black-purple fruits taste like red dates but less fleshy. The trimmed-off old leaves could be made into brooms, so it’s also called "Kang-lang broom".