

學名:Gymnocalycium mazanense (Backeb.) Backeb.

英名:Chin Cactus

簡介 Description


A succulent plant of the genus Gymnocalycium, native to Argentina. Stem oblate-spherical to spherical, depressed at the top, bark gray-green to dull green, up to 9 cm high and 7-14cm across, with 14-18 round ribs. Central spines brown and turning gray with age. Radial spines 7-9, excurved, varied in length. Flowers funnel-shaped, pink, 3-4 cm across.

栽培 Cultivation


This plants thrive in full-sun and airy conditions. Sufficient sunlight can promote flowering, however, strong exposure in high summer may cause signs of scorch, such as sunburn. Use draining and breathable soil to avoid root rot and other problems. As a summer grower, the plant needs watered whenever the soil appears dry during hot months; highly cold-resistant, it can survive winter outdoors as long as the site is frost-free in cold winters.

應用 Application


The ornamental plant is cultivated for its wild and rustic spines, which makes a strong contrast with its pink and graceful flowers. Easily flowering if cultivated properly. Usually planted alone, better keep it in locations from people to touch the dangerous spines.