學名:Hoya pachyclada Kerr
英名:Wax Plant
毬蘭屬蔓性草本至常綠半木質藤本,原產泰國。植株匍匐生長,攀爬能力較差。嫩莖有絨毛。莖粗壯,學名中的 pachyclada 即是粗莖的意思。卵圓形厚革質葉片對生,葉面有光亮感。葉端尖銳,葉緣或有紅暈。繖形花序自葉腋伸出,花白色或白綠色,表面有絨毛,花瓣反卷,花徑約1㎝。副花冠白色至紅色,花朵會分泌大量的蜜露。開花期春季。
A trailing herb to evergreen semi-woody vine in the genus Hoya, native to Thailand. The plant grows trailing stems with poor climbing ability. Tender stems hairy. Stem thick, the scientific name “pachyclada” means thick stem. Leaves oval-shaped, thick and leathery, opposite, glossy on the surface. Leaf tip sharp, and margin occasionally reddish. Umbels extended from the leaf axils, flowers white or white-green, hairy, 1 cm in diameter, petals recurved, corolla white to red. The flowers secrete abundant honeydew, blooming in spring
The plant flourishes in highly moist, partial-sun conditions and well-drained soil. Watering frequency is decided by the dryness of the soil. Apply a slow-release fertilizer once a season. The plants are large in size and heavier in weight, when hanging, adjust the angle of hanging pots to prevent it from falling. Pottery containers is recommended to provide good support of the plant. Propagated by cutting.
It’s grown for the ornamental thick and green leaves which makes it a great foliage planter. Its flowers are adorable and fragrant, but short-lived and easy to fall off. Don’t cut off the inflorescence stalks as they will continue to bloom.