

學名:Pandanus utilis Bory

英名:Common Screwpine


簡介 Description


An evergreen tree in the genus Pandanus, native to islands like Madagascar, Mauritius, and Réunion. Tree height up to 8m, trunk erect, few branched, sturdy aerial supporting roots borne at the base. Strap long lanceolate leaves spirally grow on the top of the stem, up to 2m long, 5-10cm wide; red barbs on the margin and the main vein base. Dioecious, bracts white, female inflorescence head-shaped and male one spike-shaped like a loofah. The drooping green aggregate spherical fruits fall off when mature, float on water and spread by ocean currents.

栽培 Cultivation


Preferably full-sun or partial-sun and warm environments. This tall and sturdy plant is mostly planted in open fields in well-drained media like sandy soil or sandy loam. The plant is highly tolerant to drought, watering is not required if grown on the ground, for potted ones, it’s advisable to water only when the soil dries. Apply a slow-release compound fertilizer once a season to promote the growth at the beginning and no needs to fertilize afterwards. Propagated by seeds.

應用 Application


The tree is grown for the peculiar posture, suitable for planting in coastal areas or courtyards to create a tropical atmosphere. It’s usually planted alone to highlight the shape, or as a streetscaping tree. The blade can be used as a fiber material to make ropes, baskets, cushions, hats, placemats, nets, and roof coverings. The fruit is edible after being cooked.