學名:Hoya kerrii Craib 'Variegata'
英名:Variegated Wax Hearts、Variegated Sweetheart Hoya、Variegated Valentine Hoya、Variegated Heart Leaf
An evergreen semi-woody vine, native to Thailand and Laos. The vines are more than 3m long and the stem grows aerial roots which support it to climb and grow. Leaves opposite, fleshy and heart-shaped. Cymes extending from the axils, and inflorescence stalks blooming continuously. Corolla yellowish-white and 5-lobed; corona purplish-red to brown and star-shaped. Flowers are about 1cm in diameter and often secrete yellow-brown nectar. Flowering in summer.
The plant enjoys full-day scattered sunlight. Keep the plants from direct sun exposure in hot summer. Choose the proper medium that drains and breathes. Excessive water will cause the plant to rot. Recommended to use pergolas or branches to allow the plant to climb and buttress the growth.
The plant has unique leaf shape, and the variegated cultivars is more ornamental. Suitable for planting against wooden columns, garden trees or coarse walls for stems to climb and simulate the condition of natural growth. The plant is mainly planted in hanging pots, or epiphytic cultivation by wrapping the roots with water moss and fixing in tree fern boards or wooden boards.