

學名:Dysosma pleiantha (Hance) Woodson

英名:Asian Mayapple


簡介 Description


A perennial herb in the genus Dysosma, native to the temperate to subtropical climate zone of East Asia. Plant height 20~60cm. Rhizome stout and single stem erect. Peltate leaves opposite or alternate, 15-30cm in diameter, with 5-9 shallow lobes and fine teeth on the margin; purple-red flowers drooping, with 6-9 petals. Berry oval and purple-black, about 3cm long. Flowering from spring to early summer, fruiting in summer.

栽培 Cultivation


It grows at the floor of a dark forest, high-moisture environments, with no sunlight or half-day sunlight. Planting sites preferably shady and sheltered from wind. Use culture soil rich in organic matter, or sandy loam soil mixed with mulch soil as the medium. Propagated from seeds.

應用 Application


This foliage plant is grown for the graceful leaves. The rhizome is a traditional medicinal herb with the effect of dispelling blood stasis and detoxification, mainly used to treat snake and insect bites as well as traumatic injuries which is the origin of the old saying “you can sleep with snakes if you know Dysosma pleiantha (Hance) Woodson well”. The main ingredient “podophyllotoxin” has been used to treat various cancers, but there have been cases of poisoning and even death because of its severe toxicity.