學名:Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr.
英名:Baby Rubberplant、Pepper Face
A perennial herb in the genus Peperomia, native to Florida, Mexico and the Caribbean islands. Stems fleshy and erect; roots often occurring between nodes. Leaves alternate and obovate, apex obtuse or slightly concave, thick and fleshy. Spadix terminal or opposite to the leaves, and flowers tiny and white.
It grows in partial-sun or full-sun conditions; the leaf color is dull when exposed to strong sunlight, and turns brighter with partial sunlight. It likes warmth and humidity, and also tolerates short-term drought. The medium is preferably loose, breathable, well-drained and richly humic. Propagating by cuttings of branches and leaves.
Different variegated varieties are available in the market. They can be groundcovers, planted in hanging baskets,small pots and mixed planters, or used as green walls or green topiary.