學名:Zelkova serrata (Thunb.) Makino
英名:Japanese Zelkova、Taiwan Zelkova、Japanese Elm、Keyaki
A deciduous tree in the genus Zelkova, native to temperate regions of East Asia and subtropical regions. Tree shape sturdy and tall, up to 30 m in height, with a round-topped head. Bark grayish white or brownish gray, with irregular flakes. Leaves alternate, papery shaped ovate, oval or ovate-lanceolate, 3-10 cm long and 1.5-5 cm wide; young leaves with sparse bristles and turning smooth with time, margin crenate. Monoecious, flowers tiny. Drupes pale green, obliquely ovate conical. Flowering in spring and fruiting in autumn.
It suitably grows in full-sun, warm and cold environments and thrives best in moist and fertile soils, but it grows poorly in drought conditions. Perform pruning mainly for the inferior branches. Propagated by seeds, air layering and grafting.
With a round natural canopy, it’s suitable for planting in a spacious environment like parks and campus, or in rows as street trees. The wood is solid and resistant to abrasion; after planing, the surface becomes as smooth and shiny as chicken oil, so it’s commonly known as "chicken oil", suitable for the use as material of construction and interior decoration.