學名:Ilex asprella (Hook. & Arn.) Champ.
英名:Rough-leaved Holly
A deciduous shrub in the genus Ilex, native to Taiwan, and also found in the Philippines and southeast China. Branches dark brown, slender and smooth, with white round lenticels like the stellate marks on scale bars which gives rise to its Chinese common name. Leaves alternate ovate or lanceolate oval, margin finely serrated. Flowers solitary or in clusters of 2 to 3 axillary umbels, flowers white, flowering in March. Drupes purplish black and oval, fruiting from April to October.
It prefers warm and humid climates and needs shaded, suitably grown in loose, well-drained sandy soils. Propagated by seeds, cuttings, layering and air layering.
It can be used as a garden landscape tree or green hedge in a shaded environment, also used to make bonsai. The roots and leaves have medicinal properties and are the main ingredients of "Guangdong Herbal Tea".