

學名:Morus macroura Miq.

英名:King White Mulberry、Shahtoot Mulberry、Tibetan Mulberry、Long Mulberry、Taiwan Long Fruit Mulberry、Taiwan's Long Mulberry


簡介 Description


A deciduous tree or shrub in the genus Morus, native to the Himalayas in Tibet and India. The grey-white bark and yellow root epidermis are extremely thick. Leaves alternate and ovate, up to 15 cm long, with serrated margin, leaves of sapling often incised on the margin. Monoecious. Aggregate fruit long, red to purple-black when ripe. Flowering in spring, and fruiting from spring to summer.

栽培 Cultivation


Suitably grown in warm environments with full sun. Stimulate the leaves to fall off by low temperature and dryness in the winter, which can promote flowering and fruiting in the following spring. It prefers well-drained loam or sandy loam with slightly acidic and alkaline properties. Mulberries are resistant to pruning which makes fruit picking easier. Grafting, air layering and cuttings are used for reproduction.

應用 Application


The fruits are sweet and delicious. In the old time, mulberry and catalpa trees were widely planted for their versatile uses, so “mulberry and catalpa” also means hometown. The wood is hard and can be used to make bows, musical instruments, and furniture; the bark is a material of mulberry paper. The root epidermis is a Chinese traditional medicine, while the leaves are the main food source to rear silkworm which gives rise to its Taiwanese alias.