

學名:Brunfelsia uniflora (Pohl) D.Don

英名:Yesterday、Today and Tomorrow、Morning、Noon and Night、Manaca


簡介 Description


An evergreen or semi-deciduous shrub in the genus Brunfelsia, native to Brazil. Leaves alternate, oval or obovate. Flowers solitary or clustered on the branch tips and leaf axils; flowers purple initially, then fading and wilting in white eventually; richly aromatic. Rarely fruiting for cultivars in Taiwan. Flowering from spring to autumn, full bloom in March and October.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant grows in partial sun or full sun environments. The leaves easily turn yellow-green if exposing to sun in summer which reduces the ornamental value. Regular water use is required as lacking of water can result in poor growth and even defoliation. Hard pruning is suitably performed in winter to reactivate the growth and boost the bloom in the following spring. Propagated by cuttings and air layering.

應用 Application


The flowers smell like jasmine which gives rise to the Chinese common name. The floral fragrance gets richer especially after raining or when the humidity is high in the evening. Suitably planted in shades under sparse trees, along walls, atriums and other places without excessive sun exposure; planted alone, in clusters, or in rows as hedges. The whole plant is poisonous and the flowers are also inedible.