

學名:Pilea depressa (Sw.) Blume.

英名:Depressed Clearweed、 Baby's Tears.


簡介 Description


An evergreen perennial herb in the genus Pilea, native to Central America and the Caribbean islands. Stems creeping, often branched, easily rooting when touching soils. Leaves opposite, round or obovate, pale green, smooth and shiny, leaf tip obtusely serrated. Panicles composed of cymes, monoecious or bisexual; flowers tiny, white. Achenes ovate-yellow, compressed, membranous or hard-shelled, covered by persistent perianth.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant can adapt to full sun or partial sun, but when the environment is changed, it needs to undergo domestication for different light intensities to avoid the conditions of sunburn or excessive elongation. Grow rapidly in warm and humid seasons, and thrive in humusy and well-drained sandy loam. Propagated from seeds, cuttings or ramets.

應用 Application


Featuring with packed and dense branches and leaves, it’s an excellent groundcover plant in shades; often used in vertical gardens or as a topiary plant. They can be also grown in hanging pots or small pots placed next to window sills to display the delicate and lovely foliage.