

學名:Philodendron bipinnatifidum Schott ex Endl.

英名:Lacy Tree Philodendron


簡介 Description


An evergreen or semi-woody vine in the genus Philodendron, native to tropical regions of South America. New shoots tufted, and adult stems erect or arching, obvious leaf scars left on the stems. In the native habitat, it’s epiphytic on trees and climbs with aerial roots. Petioles stiff and slender. The blades of mature trees can reach up to 1m long. Leaf margin producing pinnately shallow or deep lobes which are more and deeper with age. Spathe white to creamy yellow and green on the back. Monoecious.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant grows in a full sun or partial sun environment and loves heat and high humidity, suitable to grow in well-drained and humic sandy loam. The plant produces large leaves which are prone to typhoon damage, advised to shelter them away from wind. Propagated from seeds, cuttings or ramets.

應用 Application


This species varies in size and displays various looks. The young plants are suitably planted in indoor pots, while the bigger ones can add interests to tropical-style gardens. The leaf cuttings are great flower arranging material.