

學名:Pachystachys lutea Nees

英名:Lollypops、Golden Candles、Golden Shrimp Plant、Lollipop Plant、Yellow Shrimp Plant

簡介 Description


An evergreen shrub or semi-shrub in the genus Pachystachys, native to Central America and northern South America. Shoots herbaceous with fine hairs while aging branches lignified. Oval leaves opposite. Spikes extending from the branch tips, flowers emerging sequentially from overlapping yellow and oval-shaped bracts, the inflorescences 4-sided. Tubular flowers white, the lower lip broad and lobed. Flowering from summer to autumn.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant grows in a warm environment with partial sun to full sun; direct exposure in summer tends to cause the foliage yellowing. The flowers often grow poorly and are smaller in dry and hot seasons; the growth stagnates at low temperature in winter. Cut off flowers right after they change in color in order to promote branching and flowering consecutively. Perform hard pruning in the winter to promote sprouting in the following spring. Propagated by cuttings.

應用 Application


Featuring with bright-colored and showy bracts, it’s suitably planted as bush or hedge; a single-potted ornamental, or as an accent plant planted with pink or purple grass flowers or green foliage ornamentals to set off the neighbors and create an eye-catching effect.