

學名:Thalia dealbata Fraser ex Roscoe

英名:Alligator Flag、Powdery Thalia、Hardy Water Canna、Water Canna


簡介 Description


A perennial herb in the genus Thalia, native to tropical Africa and swamps in the southern United States. Rhizomes producing long oval leaves, alternate, long-stalked, leaf sheaths amplexicaul, apex acuminate, colored dark green near the leaf base, covered with white powder; two groups of varieties with red or green leaf sheaths. Spike-like panicles, flower stems up to 3 m long, slender and drooping, petals purple and wrinkled, bracts densely fluffy. Fruits nearly oval and brown when ripe.

栽培 Cultivation


The aquatic emergent plant can be cultivated in water or soils; sufficient water supply required for land cultivation. Robust in growth, it prefers warm, humid and well-lit environments. Not winter hardy, the leaves often turn yellow during winter dormancy period. Bred from seeds or ramets.

應用 Application


Prized for the pleasant foliage shape and unique inflorescence structure, they are suitably planted in a large container for garden landscaping or planted in the waterside. The fresh roots, rhizomes and flowers are edible.