

學名:Neonauclea reticulata ( Havil .)Merr.

英名:Flase Indian Almond


簡介 Description


An evergreen tree in the genus Neonauclea, native to Taiwan and the Philippines. Bark gray-brown and branchlets fluffy when young. Opposite leaves obovate to broad elliptic, apex obtuse and short acute, leaf surface glossy and green, pale brown on the back. Terminal spherical head, flowers white. Capsules often form rounded aggregate fruits. Long oval seeds with wings on both ends to help spread. The size and shape of the leaves are quite similar to those of Indian Almond which gives rise to the Chinese common name.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant normally grows in full sun environments, tolerant to drought, wind and salt; organic-rich soil with good drainage is preferred. Mainly propagated from seeds, less by air layering.

應用 Application


Grown as garden ornament trees, coastal windbreak and sand-fixing trees, street trees, etc. The yellowish white wood is maggot-resistant, an indispensable folk plant in the daily life of Lanyu indigenous people to make talala (fishing boat in Tao) and paddles; and the bark can be made into vests.