學名:Synsepalm dulcificum Daniell
英名:Micaculous Berry、Miracle Fruit、Mysterious Fruit
An evergreen shrub in the genus Synsepalm, native to tropical regions of West Africa. A slow growing species with spire-like tree shape. New leaves pale green or pale red and turning dark green or blackish green with time; aging leaves oblanceolate or obovate, tufted at branch apex or alternate in the middle section of branches. Flowers axillary, small and white, with a light scent of coconut milk. Flowering throughout the year. Drupe oval, bright red when ripe; seeds olive-shaped, dark brown.
Well adapted to hot and wet climates, they can grow in full sun or partial sun conditions and thrives in well-drained sandy loam rich in organic matter. Reproduced from seeds or cuttings.
The plant can be garden ornament trees and potted plants. The fruit itself has mildly sweet tang, but when eaten, it causes sour foods, such as lemon, guava and tomato, to taste sweet; also used as bird-alluring trees