學名:Yucca gloriosa L.
英名:Spanish Bayonet,Spanish Dagger,Mound Lily,Palm Lily
王蘭屬常綠灌木,莖部多肉植物,原產於北美洲墨西哥地區,高可達 3 m。單葉,呈螺旋狀簇生,無葉柄;葉片長 60~75 cm,寬約 5 cm,劍形;葉尖堅硬,呈刺狀;葉緣幼時疏生齒刺,老時為全緣,堅硬,挺直。
An evergreen shrub with succulent stems, native to Mexico, up to 3 m high. Single leaf, spirally clustered, without petiole; leaf blade 60-75 cm long and 5 cm wide, sword-shaped; leaf tip hard and spiny; leaf margin sparsely dentate when young, entire, hard and erect when aging.
The plant enjoys full-sun and ventilated environments. Advised to plant in well-drained sandy loam or coarse-grained materials such as mixed gravel and foaming stone.
Apply long-active compound fertilizers once in spring. Propagated by seeding and cutting.Valued for the unique posture, it’s usually planted solitarily or three as a group in terracotta pots placed next to windows or corners inside a house for ornamental purpose. However, the plant is likely to grow water sprouts if kept indoors for too long, it’s advised to move it outdoors for recuperation every week. For garden plantation, it’s often used as a feature tree in combination with other shrubs or succulents.