

學名:Fraxinus griffithii C.B.Clarke

英名:Evergreen Ash、Himalayan Ash、Flowering Ash、Formosan Ash、Griffith's Ash


簡介 Description


A deciduous tree in the genus Fraxinu, native to the tropical and subtropical regions of South Asia to East Asia. Bark is grayish white and rough on the texture and old bark exfoliate in patches. Opposite odd pinnate compound leaves with 3-7 pairs of leaflets shaped lobular to long ovate. Panicles are white and protrude from the end of branches. Samara is spoon-shaped. Flowering in summer and fruiting in autumn.

栽培 Cultivation


Grown in full-sun environment and highly adaptable to soils. Drought tolerant. Apply long-active fertilizers once every season from spring to autumn. Remove primarily crowded weak twigs. Seeding is used for reproduction.

應用 Application


The tree owes a beautiful shape, and can withstand wind and drought, which make it a high-quality street and garden tree. Insects such as cockroaches and the Japanese rhinoceros beetles love to suck the sap, so it’s often used in ecological restoration and education programs. It owes close-grained and tough wood which is commonly called "white chicken oil" and used as materials for construction, furniture, sports equipment and handicrafts. Foliage of saplings are fine and shiny, so the plant can be grown as a potted ornamental.