學名:Pisonia umbellifera (Forst.) Seem.
英名:Malay Catchbird Tree,Bird-catcher Tree,Para-para
An evergreen tree in the genus Pisonia, native to Taiwan and also distributed from Java Indonesia, Malaysia to Australia, and Polynesia. Bark smooth and gray. Leaves opposite or nearly whorled, densely tufted at the end of branchlets, ovate, broadly ovate to oblong, entire. Flowers numerous, white, dioecious, Cymes terminal or pseudo umbels. Fruit spindle-shaped, spineless, with 5 ribs, turning from green to black-brown and exuding incredibly sticky mucous between the ribs when mature,
Suitable for Full sun or warm environments with partial sunlight, preferably the soil rich in organic matter loam and well drained. Propagated from seeds, cuttings or layering.
It can be grown as a garden ornament tree and street tree. The variegated cultivars bred in other countries have high ornamental value. In tropical regions, they are grown in gardens or in pots to add interests.