

學名:Ixora duffii T.Moore ‘Super King’

英名:Super King Ixora、Jungle Flame、Flame of the Woods

簡介 Description

仙丹花屬常綠或落葉灌木,是由原產東南亞的 Ixora duffii 育出的園藝品種。長橢圓形薄革質葉片對生。聚繖花序頂生,花長筒形,花冠裂片披針形4枚,花色深紅,花序直徑可達15cm,可媲美繡球花。開花夏至秋季。

An evergreen or deciduous shrub in the genus Ixora; a cultivar bred from Ixora duffii which is native to Southeast Asia. The long oval-shaped blades are thin and leathery and grow in opposite arrangement. Terminal cymbidium, long tubular flower colored dark red, 4 lanceolate corolla lobes. The inflorescence could grow up to 15 cm in diameter, comparable to hydrangea. Flowering from summer to autumn.

栽培 Cultivation


Planted in full-sun or in partial shade warm environment or tree shaded area. It favors well-drained and neutral to slightly acidic loam. Watering only when medium soil gets dry. Applying long-active compound fertilizers once every season from spring to autumn. Hard pruning can control the height of trees in deciduous periods and promote the growth of new shoots and blooms in the following year. Using cuttings to propagate.

應用 Application


It has the largest-sized flowers and inflorescences among common Ixora species. The plant is tall and big and often used as garden shrubs or hedges. Flower farmers use dwarfing agents to control the upright growth and help foliage growing tightly and densely for greater ornamental values.