學名:Excoecaria agallocha Linn.
英名:Blinding Tree、Milky Mangrove
An evergreen or semi-deciduous tree in the genus Excoecaria, native to Taiwan and also distributed in tropical coasts of Asia and Australia. Branches with many lenticels. Leaves alternate, leathery, elliptic or broadly elliptic, entire or with inconspicuous sparse teeth. Flowers unisexual, dioecious, aggregated into axillary, simple or double racemes. Capsule spherical, with 3 grooves, dark brown when ripe, split into 3 small dried fruits; seeds spherical.
The plant normally grows in warm environments with full sunlight; naturally growing in coastal areas, tolerant to drought, salt, humidity and resistant to wind, commonly planted to green the coastal areas and roadsides where are not easy to maintain. Reproduced from seeds or cuttings.
可作庭園景觀樹、海岸防風樹。木材燃之發出沉香味可作沉香的代用品,亦可作建材、包裝箱及魚網的浮苓。枝葉受傷流出乳汁具刺激性,沾觸皮膚會引起紅腫,誤入眼睛,其害尤大,故英名為 Blinding Tree。
The plant can be planted as garden ornament trees and coastal windbreak trees. The wood emits scent when burned and can be used as a substitute for agarwood; other uses like building materials, packaging boxes and buoys of fish nets. The branches and leaves exude a poisonous liquid on the wounds, which causes blisters on the skin and seriously injurious to the eyes, that’s why it’s also nown as ‘blinding tree’.