

學名:Begonia 'Lucerna'

英名:Angel Wing Begonia、 Angel Cane Begonia


簡介 Description

秋海棠屬多年生草本或半灌木,育種者使用Begonia maculata等原種為親本,1892年在瑞士琉森育出,是一個歷史悠久的品種,衍生出許多葉片具有斑點的直立性秋海棠。株高1~2m;莖健壯直立,形似竹稈。互生不對稱長歪卵形葉,葉面銀白色細斑點,葉背紅褐色。下垂聚繖花序組成圓錐花序。花粉紅色至紅色。

A perennial herb or semi-shrub in the genus Begonia, hybridized from Begonia maculata by a breeder in Lucerne, Switzerland in 1892. This established cultivar has derived many upright-stemmed begonias with flecked leaves. Plant height 1-2m; stem sturdy and erect, resembling bamboo stalk Leaves alternate, asymmetrically long and crooked ovate, with small silvery white flecks on the leaf surface and red-brown beneath. Panicles consist of drooping cymes. Flowers pink to red.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant normally grows in warm environments with full or partial sunlight. The leaf color fades when exposed to direct sun in summer. Not wind-resistant, it needs sheltered from the wind. water the plant regularly to keep the soil moist at all times, and apply long-active fertilizer once a season. Remove overlong or aging branches to promote the emergence of new shoots. Propagated by cuttings.

應用 Application


The robust begonia is adaptable to outdoor environments, often planted in pots and thickets to accentuate the ornamental foliage and flowers; it can also survive in atriums or wall shades with partial sunlight.