學名:Euphorbia neriifolia L.
英名:Fleshy Spurge、Hedge Euphorbia、Oleander Spurge
An evergreen shrub or small tree in the genus Euphorbia, native to arid areas in central and southern India. The roots, stems, and leaves would secret white latex if scratched. In order to survive dry seasons, the stems develop into carnification; reach up to 6m high. Cylindrical stems are green or dark green with multiple diverging branches at the ends. Leaves are alternate, obovate and succulent; Stipules thorn-like. Cyathium, yellow flowers, blooming in summer.
The plant enjoys full-sun and warm environments, highly drought tolerant, using well-drained medium soil like gravel, coarse sandy loam or sand to avoid water stagnation and to provide weight to buttress the plant. Avoid the latex contaminating the eyes and skin when performing pruning. Reproduced by cuttings.
The plant is toxic and not edible, touching the toxic latex may cause contact dermatitis. The plant shape is unique and ornamental, suitable for single planting in pottery basins, and single or cluster plantation in gardens. Planted as hedgerows also have good barrier and fire protection.