學名:Sansevieria trifasciata Prainke 'Golden Hahnii'
英名:Snake Plant、Mother-in-low's Tongue、Saint George's Sword、Viper's Bowstring Hemp
A perennial herb in the genus Sansevieria with fleshy leaves and rootstalks, native to arid areas in central Africa. Stout rootstalks crawl as growing; 2 or more leaves growing in a cluster, blade shape banded lanceolate or inverted lanceolate, hypertrophic, hard and leathery. There are a rich variety of cultivars - common short-leaf and variegated ones. Racemes erect, flowers white. Flowering in winter.
The plant enjoys full-sun or partial sun environments. Although it is often planted indoors, lack of light for a long time will cause leaf spots fading and leaf softening. Suitable for all kinds of medium soil as long as they are well-drained. Reproduced by ramets or leaf cutting.
Strong resistance to air pollution, suitable for use as bonsai, garden plants or green hedges. Short-leaf varieties can be densely planted as ground cover. The leaves can absorb toxic gas such as ammonia, but it’s not suitable to be kept indoors for a long time.