

學名:Rosa transmorrisonensis Hayata

英名:Glandular Rose,Alpine Rose

簡介 Description

薔薇屬常綠灌木,臺灣特有種。全株有刺,枝條蔓延性強。互生羽狀複葉葉;小葉5~7枚,表面暗綠色而光滑,背面沿中肋處散生毛茸。花多數,成對或 3~5朵呈頂生的繖房花序;花瓣白色,倒卵形,先端凹入,密佈絨毛;花期5~7月。球形瘦果,8~10月間成熟,包被於肉質花萼筒內,成熟時呈紅色或黃紅色。

A Taiwan’s endemic evergreen shrub in the genus Rosa. The thorny plant produces highly creeping branches. Alternate pinnate compound leaves; 5-7 leaflets, dark green and smooth on the upper side and scattered fluff borne along the midrib beneath. Flowers many, corymb in pairs or 3 to 5, terminal; petals white, obovate, apex concave, densely fluffy; flowering from May to July. Spherical achenes, mature from August to October, wrapped in fleshy calyx tube, mature red or yellowish red.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant grows well in cold and sunny environment, such as landslides, bare land, or alpine grasslands, often form small communities. It can be reproduced by seeds, cuttings, layering, ramets, grafting or tissue culture.

應用 Application


It’s often grown in alpine areas as a garden ornamental or a climbing plant on a scaffold or hedge. Wild groups have made considerable contributions to soil and water conservation. Petals are edible, and ripe fruits can be made into candied fruits or eaten fresh.