

學名:Fuchsia hybrida hort. ex Siebert & Voss

英名:Hybrid Fuchsia、Lady's Eardrops、Fuchsia、Common Fuchia


簡介 Description

吊鐘花屬落葉或常綠灌木,園藝栽培主要以原產巴西的Fuchsia campos-portoi為主要的親本所雜交育出的品種群。枝條柔軟,伸長後具懸垂性。單葉對生或3~5葉輪生,卵狀披針形或橢圓形,葉緣有鋸齒。花著生於枝條上端之葉腋處,花梗細長而下垂;花萼筒管狀,有4片修長的裂片,裂片開張或反捲;花瓣4枚,微展,單瓣或重瓣;花萼及花瓣顏色多樣,有酒紅、粉紅、桃紅、紫紅、純白等。花期4 ~10月。

A deciduous or evergreen shrub in the genus Fuchsia. Most cultivars are hybrids of Fuchsia campos-portoi, which is native in Brazil. Elongated branches soft and drooping. Simple leaves opposite or in whorls of 3-5, ovate-lanceolate or elliptic, leaf margin serrated. Flowers occurring in leaf axils at the upper parts of branches, stalk slender and drooping; calyx tube tubular, with 4 slender lobes open or recurved; 4 petals, slightly open, single or double; calyx and petals in various shades of colors, like red, pink, white, purple and so on. Flowering from April to October.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant grows well in cold or warm, moist environments, like mid-altitudinal areas; the summer heat in Taiwan’s lowlands is very challenging for it to grow. It prefers sandy loam rich in organic matter and demands high fertility; apply low concentration fertilizers twice a month. Propagated by seeds or cuttings.

應用 Application


A popular floral ornamental, commonly grown in hanging pots to enjoy the lovely flowers. Often marketed in winter and spring for house beautification to celebrate year-end holidays.