

學名:Quercus dentata Thunb.

英名:Daimyo Oak


簡介 Description


A deciduous tree in the genus Quercus, native to Taiwan, and also found in China, Japan and South Korea. Bark dark gray with deep grooves. Simple leaves alternate, often tufted near the tip of branches, broad obovate, leaf margin wavy and serrated, leaflets packed with soft or stellate pilose on both sides of tender leaves. Dioecious flowers; slender and drooping male catkins drawn from the base of new branches; female flowers short and mostly axillary; flowering from February to March. The cupule cup-shaped, reddish-brown, recurved outward, and covering over a half of the nut. Acorn ovate and produced from September to October.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant grows well in warm, dry and full sun environment. Less demanding on soils, but sandy loam with rich organic matter and good drainage is preferred. Seed or cutting propagation.

應用 Application


Suitable to be a garden landscape tree. The leaves were used in early times to rear tussah silkworms to produce tussah silk which is glossier in color than others. The hardwood is abrasion-resistant, but prone to warp, suitable to be used as pit wood and flooring. The bark and seeds are the ingredients of astringents. The seeds are rich in starch and tannins, they can be used for wine-brewing or as feed.