

學名:Fatshedera lizei (Cochet) Guillaumin ‘Variegata’

英名:Tree Ivy、Aralia Ivy

簡介 Description

熊掌木屬常綠小灌木,由法國人使用八角金盤﹝Fatsia japonica (Thunb.) Decne. & Planch.﹞與常春藤﹝Hedera helix L.﹞人工雜交育成。莖初生時草質狀,後漸轉為木質化,半蔓性。單葉互生,掌狀五裂,形似常春藤,葉端漸尖,葉基心形,全緣葉,略波狀扭曲,葉色濃綠並夾雜不規則白色或乳白斑紋;葉柄柄基鞘狀,與莖枝連接。繖形花序或頭狀花序;花小,淡綠色,子房下位,中軸胎座。

A small evergreen shrub of the genus Fatshedera and a hybrid of Fatsia japonica (Thunb.) Decne. & Planch. and Hedera helix L. bred by a French breeder. The stems are herbal initially and then gradually turn lignified semi-vine. Simple leaves alternate, palmately 5-lobed, ivy-like, leaf apex tapering, base heart-shaped, margin entire and slightly wavy and twisted, leaf color dark green with irregular white or milky white markings; petiole base sheathed, connected with stems and branches. Umbels or heads; flowers tiny, pale green, lower ovary and axile placentation

栽培 Cultivation


The plants prefer warm and humid conditions but not heat-tolerant, best grown between 18-25 ℃. The highly shade-tolerant plant can grow in partial shade environment. Susceptible to aphids and mites. Propagated by seeds and cuttings in spring and autumn.

應用 Application


Valued for the beautiful blades, the plant is commonly grown as garden landscape tree, indoor potted plant and cut flower material.