

學名:Platycerium coronarium (Mull.) Desv.

英名:Elkhorn Fern


特色簡介 Feature Description


The large multi-bud Elkhorn Fern is the most widely distributed Elkhorn Fern, spreading over Southeast Asia. Those grow in clusters can exceed 2 meters long. There are two types of fronds: the upper shield-shaped ones are basal fronds, towering and unfolding, up to 1 meter in length. The lobes split at the top are like a crown, hence the name. It is green throughout the year, unlike other types of Elkhorn Ferns that would turn brown; the strap-shaped fronds below are fertile and dichotomous like drooping antlers which can reach 3 meters in length. Sufficient space is required for the growth in cultivation.

簡介 Description


A perennial fern with multiple buds and large staghorn ferns in the genus Platycerium, native from South Asia to Southeast Asia. It bears two types of fronds – basal and fertile fronds. Shield-shaped nutrient fronds grow in crown-like clusters and that’s how its Chinese name comes from. Basal fronds are thick and tall, apical lobes could be up to 1 meter long; strap-shaped fertile fronds are long and twisted; and dichotomous fronds can grow up to 3 meters long.

栽培 Cultivation

全日照環境種植下生長較為快速,在半日照也可以生長,夏天需遮陰。由於生長在熱帶地區,冬天要注意保暖,勿澆水過多 容易造成水傷。繁殖常採用分株繁殖,孢子囊群獨立生長於湯匙狀的孢子葉上。

It grows faster in full sun, moderately in partial shade and needs shaded in summer. As a native tropical plant, it needs to be kept warm in winter. Overwatering will cause water damage. Propagated mostly by ramets. Sporangia are grown independently on spoon-shaped spore fronds.

應用 Application


The unique look makes it a popular ornamental plant widely used in floral design works or mounted on a wall as a domestic ornamental plant. As the fertile fronds are large, they are usually planted in suspension as pendulous ornaments.