

學名:Strobilanthes formosanus Moore

英名:Assam Indigo、Chinese Rain Bell、Pink Strobilanthes

簡介 Description


A perennial herb of the genus Strobilanthes, endemic to Taiwan. Stem 4-angled and richly bifurcated, covered with dense bristles. Leaves simple and decussate, with short petioles or almost sessile, oblong or oblong-lanceolate, leaf base cuneate, leaf tips tapering, serrated margin, densely covered with coarse bristles on the both surfaces. Cymes, axillary or terminal. Corolla tube-shaped and purple-white. Flowering from August to January. Fruits are spoon-shaped oval capsules; 4 seeds, ovoid, flat, densely covered with long fluff.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant thrives in partial-shaded and humid environment and prefers loose and fertile medium. Not drought-tolerant, it requires watering when the medium slightly dries or the leaves show early signs of wilt. Apply long-active fertilizer once a season from spring to autumn. Propagated by seeds or cuttings.

應用 Application


The leaves are food to larvae of butterflies, such as Kallima inachus, Junonia lemonias aenaria Tsukada & Kaneko, and Junonia iphita. Paiwan people used to soak the root in water, and rub them after fermentation to extract the sap which can be used to dye twine or fabric blue.