

學名:Musa basjoo Siebold var. formosana (Warb.) S. S. Ying

英名:Taiwan Banana


簡介 Description


A large perennial herb of the genus Musa, endemic to Taiwan. Plant height over 2 m; rhizome bear multiple fleshy roots; cauloid tightly packed into a cylindrical shape by leaf sheaths; apical leaves plenty; petiole long and thick with inner grooves and round protrusions on the back side; leaves oblong, entire and slightly wavy. Pending inflorescences protruding from the apex, spikes, and dioecious. Fruit long, obtuse, triangular, slightly curved, green and ripe yellow-brown, fibrous pericarp, flesh soft and succulent; seeds many and black.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant prefers partial shade and humid environment; fertility of the medium can promote the growth. Propagated by seeding or ramification of the lateral offsets.

應用 Application


The plants are great garden landscape trees. The fruits can be used to feed wild macaques and the leaves can attract Banana Skipper. In the past, when the aborigines lacked water in the mountains, they would cut the pith of the stems to drink the sap or used the pith of mature banana plants fresh or cook, or take out the fibers of the cauloid and dry out as tinder.