學名:Alocasia cucullata Schott & Endl.
英名:Chinese Taro、Chinese Ape
Native to Taiwan, distributed in southern China and Southeast Asia. A perennial erect herb has short and fleshy stems as well as annular leaf marks. Plenty buds protrude from the base and develop new branches in clusters. Leaves are shield or broadly ovate in shape, apex acute, entire, leathery to thinly leathery, leaf surface veins concave. Spadix inflorescences, light green to dark green, female flowers beneath male flowers, neutral flowers in the middle; flowering in summer. The berries are nearly spherical and contain one seed each.
The plant enjoys partial shade and humid environments. Mainly seeding reproduction, and also possibly by ramets and cuttings as well as hydroponic cultivation.
The large leaves are highly ornamental and suitable to plant in shaded gardens or in large pots, or for indoor greening. The whole plant is toxic and not edible.