

學名:Excoecaria kawakamii Hayata

英名:Kawakami Excoecaria


特色簡介 Feature Description


Endemic to Taiwan, Kawakami Excoecaria grows in coastal areas and is mainly distributed in Lanyu Island and Green Island. Thanks to the smooth, thick, hard and leather-like leaves, the tree is highly tolerant to wind, salt, and drought, therefore, it can serve as windbreaks or hedges in coastal areas. It has two patterns of flowering - monoecious or dioecious which can only be distinguished when flowering. The ranches and leaves will secrete white milk and accidental touching may cause skin irritation or itching. The wood emits fragrance when burned and can be a substitute for agarwood. The Yami people settled on Lanyu often hang branches of the tree on their chests to exorcise demons.

簡介 Description


Endemic to Orchid Island and Green Island in Taiwan. An evergreen shrub to small tree with smooth branches. The whole plant secretes white latex with acidic chemicals which will cause skin allergies if accidentally touched. Leaves simple, alternate, leathery, nearly clustered in the apex of branchlets, obovate-lanceolate or obovate-ovate, entire and slightly curly backward on the margin. Flowers unisexual or bisexual, plenty, monoecious or dioecious, clustered terminal, basal diverged or clustered spike; flowering from March to May. The fruit is a spherical capsule which cracks into 3 vertical lobes.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant enjoys full sun, warm ventilated, and humid environments. Tolerant to wind, salt and drought. Propagated by seeding and cutting.

應用 Application


As garden landscape trees, coastal windbreaks, hedges, etc. People of Tao tribe used to hang the branches on their chests to exorcise demons.