

學名:Gelonium aequoreum Hance

英名:Swamp Gelonium


簡介 Description

臺灣原生常綠灌木或小喬木。植株矮小,具有多數分枝;樹皮灰色;小枝細長。樹幹表面常呈灰白色,故稱「白樹仔」。葉橢圓形、倒卵狀長橢圓形,革質,全緣。單性花,雌雄異株,花小,呈乳黃色,叢生於葉腋;雄花光滑無毛,萼片5枚卵形,雄蕊多數;雌花萼片5枚,較雄花萼片略狹,花期 3~5 月。果球形,成熟時為黃色,緩慢地開裂為三分果。種子近似球形,有假種皮。

Taiwan native evergreen shrub or small tree. The plant is short with many diverging branches; gray bark, slender branchlets. The trunk surface is mostly grayish white, so it’s also called "white tree". The leaves are elliptic, obovately oblong, leathery, and with entire margin. Dioecious flowers are tiny, milky yellow and clumped in leaf axils; male flowers are smooth and hairless, 5 ovate sepals, numerous stamens; female flowers have 5 ovate sepals, slightly narrower than that of male flowers. Flowering from March to May. The fruits are spherical and turn yellow when mature. They slowly crack into three portions. The seeds are nearly spherical, with arils.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant grows in littoral area with strong sun exposure, resistant to wind, drought and salt. Propagated by seeding and cutting.

應用 Application


It can be used as bonsai, hedges, garden landscape trees, and coastal windbreaks. The timber is white with dense and heavy texture, suitable for making hoes, farming tools and small appliances.