

學名:Rhaphiolepis indica (L.) Lindl. ex Ker var. tashiroi Hayata

英名:Tashiro Indian Hawthorn、Tashiro's Hawthorn

簡介 Description


An evergreen shrub in the genus Rhaphiolepis, native to low-middle-altitude mountainous areas in the central and northern Taiwan and Kinmen. Tree height 1-3m, much branched. Leaves oblong or lanceolate oblong, clustered at the apex of branchlets, leaf apex acute with coarsely serrated margin, which is a distinctive feature from other varieties in the genus. Flowers white, about 1 cm across, 5 petals. The common name Tashiro Indian Hawthorn is to commemorate Yasusada Tashiro, a botanist who studied in Taiwan during the Japanese occupation period.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant thrives in a warm to hot and full sun environment and naturally grow in coastal areas or sun-facing slopes. It’s tolerant to drought and resistant to wind, and prefers growing in well-drained medium. At the beginning of plantation, apply long-active compound fertilizers once a season from spring to autumn; perform pruning after anthesis to maintain the desirable shape. Reproduced from seeds and cuttings.

應用 Application


Among Rhaphiolepis species in Taiwan, this variety produces the smallest flowers and leaves which are highly valued for the delicate texture. In Taiwan, they are mainly cultivated in the nurseries and often trimmed into spherical shapes for the use as garden ornamentals.